Monday, July 29, 2013

One on One time with Mommy

For those of us with more than one child, finding time to have one on one time with our kids could pose a challenge, especially when we homeschool and are with all of them most of the day. 

I have a friend (her kids go to school) who takes a different child out for dinner every Monday night. Another friend takes her kids out by themselves for their birthdays. Another takes each child out once a month for the morning.

My kids are still young and if I am getting a babysitter in the evening or the morning, it's either for me and my hubby to go out or for me to take some time off for myself, so at this stage in the game, I don't take my kids out on personal trips, not just yet. But having said that, I do make it a point to have special one on one moments with my kids which I know they enjoy tremendously.

Growing up, one thing my parents did really right was that they ALWAYS, no matter what, had time for us kids. They were always interested in what we had to say, and would listen to us talk about whatever was on our minds as if what we were saying was the most important thing that they had ever heard.  

I am the oldest of 5 and I really don't remember ever having any official one on one trips with any of my parents. But I also never really felt the desire for it. Sure I enjoyed going shopping for clothes with my mom or having my dad walk me to my friends house on Friday nights, but I do think that its possible to give kids their one on one time by simply listening to them and let them realize that what they say really matters. 

I have many one on one moments with my kids throughout the day that I see they truly enjoy. When the little ones are napping and the boys are watching a video and my daughter walks into the kitchen, I offer her a cup of tea and ask her to join me for a few minutes to chat. While the little ones are playing and the older two are building Lego, I invite my four year old to come snuggle on my lap for a bit so we can just cuddle for a few minutes. 

Even the little ones, if I see the bigger ones are busy, I'll sit down and have a tickle fest with one of them then continue to chase the second one around the house. 

There are so many of these moments that we can seize and to the kids it means the world to them. It also gives them a chance to talk to you about things that they may not say while among their siblings. So if you see your other kids are busy and one of your kids happens upon you, invite them to join you for a cup of lemonade on the back porch, or to jump on your lap in the rocking chair.

It's a lot more simple then we think and has an amazing impact.

Have a wonderful week,

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