I was just introduced to this fabulous blog by the BJE in Chicago, they have some really great ideas- check it out!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
My Pesach Book of Shapes
I was just introduced to this fabulous blog by the BJE in Chicago, they have some really great ideas- check it out!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Chol Hamoed Menu and Pesach Shopping List

Monday, March 26, 2012
Knowing WHAT to say and HOW to say it...

There are twelve months in the Jewish calendar. The talent of SPEECH is the first, beginning with the month of Nissan, the month of Passover. “Pe”-”sach” means “the mouth” “speaks”. At the Passover seder we speak of the miracles that were done for the Jewish people when we were freed from slavery in Egypt.
People who have this talent intuitively know what to say and how to say it. This is considered to be the talent of leadership because people affect others with their words.
We can be role models of speech by speaking kindly and thoughtfully. When we recognize this talent in our children, it’s good to encourage them. We can reinforce this talent by telling them how well they speak; “You said it so well,” “I really appreciate the way you spoke to me,” “You explained it so clearly.”
Thanks and acknowledgment are essential to good speech. We can model this and encourage the children to thank, and acknowledge other people. It’s also good to let them know that they can take a few quiet moments to decide how to say what they really want to say.
Tools for Developing Your Talent of Speech:
1. Wake up and give thanks for this new day of life.
2. Validate three people for a good quality or action each day.
3. Before going to sleep, give thanks for five blessings of the day.
* The Kabalah of Speech:
The tribe which corresponds to the month of Nissan is Yehuda (Judah). His mother, Leah, named him, saying, “This time I will give thanks to G-d...” (Genesis 29:35). The root of his name is related to the word ‘Todah,’ thanks.
Judah took leadership through admitting the truth and by speaking out for his brother in Egypt. He took charge of each situation by using clear and heartfelt speech . His descendants were King David, King Solomon and the line of Jewish kings.
**Our first words each day, according to the Jewish custom, are thanks to G-d for having returned our souls.
We wake up and SAY while still in bed, “Modeh Ani lifanecha , Melech Chai v’Kayam , She’heche’zarta be nishmati b’chemla; Rabah emunatecha. (With acknowledgment, I am before You, living and existing King, that you returned my soul to me in mercy: great is Your faith.)
Chana Rachel Schusterman is a Jewish spiritual counselor and coach. If you would like to contact her, please email me at Jewishmontessori18@gmail.com.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Guest Blogger- Chana Rachel Schusterman: Helping our kids Discover and Enhance their talents
The Kabalah Of Discovering Our Talents
Chana Rachel Schusterman
Before our daughter got married, she told me that among the most helpful guidance I had ever given her was identifying and helping her understand “her talent”. I had already discovered this amazing realization with an older daughter. Identifying her talent and helping her use it changed her life. When we know our main core talent we know “how” to utilize our gift. When we know how to access our inner self we can connect and accomplish our purpose in the world.
This information comes from Sefer Yetzira, the most ancient book of Kabalah (the mystical tradition of Judaism.*) I had learned about this from my teacher in Israel and found it fascinating.
When I discovered how practical this can be, it became even more meaningful. Knowing my own talent has helped me to accomplish what I do in a clearer, smoother way. Utilizing my own talent, I have been able to recognize the talents of my children and of people who come to me to analyze their own personal palette of talents.
During the next twelve months on the Jewish calendar we’re going to look at the talent associated with that month. This calendar counts the months beginning with Nissan, the month of the holiday of Passover. We will begin with the talent of Speech. Everyone can develop the talent of each month as we see what it is and how we can strengthen it.
Although we each use many of the talents, some quite strongly, everyone has one that predominates. Knowing this for ourselves is amazingly revealing and helpful. When we recognize our own talents we accomplish in the way that is harmonious to who we are. When we understand our children’s talents, we can help them to identify what they’re good at and strengthen them to know their own way.
For those who would like more of the Jewish and Kabalistic content, this will be added each month’s talent information.
* Sefer Yetzira names the twelve sons of Jacob (progenitors of the 12 tribes of Israel.) Parallel to that are the twelve months of the Jewish calendar, a letter of the Hebrew alphabet and an organ of the body. In addition to this, and most fascinating to me, is the “chush”, a talent which is intrinsic to each tribe or month.
Each talent represents direction. Each tribe was given a physical camping place relative to the others, a position surrounding the most holy place, the Tabernacle, which contained the Ark holding the tablets of the Ten Commandments. The position of each tribe was a direction, a way to face this holy place. On the microcosmic level, we each have an inner soul center. We also have our own personal way to accomplish our purpose in the world. We connect to our soul and travel the path to do our work in the world by utilizing our unique talent.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Some Pesach Activites
Thursday, March 15, 2012
"School" is in Session!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Change of Plans...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Rain, Shmain.......

- Make Playdo- (click here for an AWESOME recipe) and use Purim cookie cutters to make shapes
- Make more Hamantashen- click here for a super easy and yummy recipe (very kid friendly, easy to roll, cut and shape)
- Finger painting with half a cup of water mixed with half a cup of corn starch with a drop of food coloring. The "paint" hardens as it is put on the paper, making it have a sandy texture afterward. Paint on black paper, the paint shows up more then on white
- Found this Rainy Day Umbrella Craft, looks super cute
- Make a Lava Lamp
- This fun DIY Table Top Soccer Game (we'll make ours into air hockey)
- Magnetic TIC TAC TOE (using a cookie sheet, a piece of paper with the tic tac to lines, and magnets to play)
- A Scavenger Hunt in the house (they LOVE Scavenger hunts)
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Some Purim Activities
A Purim Mystery Bag: Show the kids all the objects. Place the objects in the bag and have the kids take turns feeling an object inside the bag and guessing what it is.

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Pleasing all the people all the time ~ A Purim Number Game
So meal time in our house can be quite the challenge. Figuring out daily meals that work with or without Ketchup, includes something with no color as well as lots of veges.