Here's a peek at a few things we've been up to/will be doing this week for Parshas Shemini:
Here is the kids adorable Har Sinai Sefirah countdown chart that THEY made today. It was so sweet how they all orchestrated it together, having one make all the flowers, the other painted, another went to go pick some real flowers to stick on- I forgot to take a photo of the finished product, but its up on the wall and really precious, and the BEST part is that THEY did it all by themselves. Mom was just there to make sure the stapler, scissors and glitter didn't get too out of control:)

Kosher fish sorting. We took a magnifying glass to look at the fins and scales on the Kosher toy fish.
Kosher bird sorting:
Math- using sand paper numbers and little fish counters:
Animal Magnet Kosher sorting on a magnetic cookie sheet:
Learning the parts of the fish- concentrating on the fins and scales:
Now this was a really gross activity if you ask me, but my 3 year old LOVED it and spent A LOT of time with his little bug friends. The point of this activity was to remove all the bugs from the fruit and vegetables since bugs aren't Kosher (as if we'd eat them if they were!) I have quite the phobia of anything small and gross so setting this up really was not easy for me, even if all the bugs are plastic... but the little guy was in bug heaven, so here it is:
Here is just a classic Kosher/non Kosher animal sorting activity
These are some great books we are reading, and searching for all the Kosher animals. You would be shocked how many we found!
Click here for some cute worksheets on Kosher animals. Scroll down to the "Brachot" worksheets.
Just a little puzzle we did with the little ones:
These are fabulous stickers that my princess used to make a whole scenario on a farm. She left the non Kosher animals out and put them on another paper.
And just for fun...
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