
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Simple Solutions

We went to the playground this morning. My oldest son who's almost 11 made it VERY clear that he did NOT want to join us for the trip.

I don't leave him home alone just yet so he didn't really have a choice but to come.

He stomped to the car, slammed the door and looked out the window the entire 5 minute drive.

When we arrived, he got out of the car, slammed the door and stomped to the nearest bench, plonked himself down, arms folded and made it very clear that he had no interest in being there.

All the other kids were playing on the swings, the slide, baseball, soccer, having a ball (no pun intended).

I sat down next to my usually easy going happy go lucky kid wondering what on earth was going on with him.

Could it be he's just growing up? Did something happen with a friend or a sibling or me or my husband? Is it school? Is he not well? What on earth is going on with my child? Do I need a therapists intervention? Is it physical? Is it emotional?

I started asking him questions, trying to figure out what was going on. The answer seemed to be 'NO' to every question I asked. 'Did someone say something to hurt your feelings?' No. 'Is something going on at school?' No. Every answer was a dead end.

After about a half hour of the kids playing and him pouting, I finally turned to him and asked, 'Did you eat anything for breakfast this morning?'

To which I got the answer that made so much sense... 'No.'

The second we got home, he made himself a grilled cheese sandwich, had a banana and a plate of scrambled eggs followed by a big cup of milk... and a laugh that he will never ever forget to eat breakfast again.

He was hungry.

That was it.

No therapist needed. No emotional issues going on. He just need a nice big breakfast.

So yes, there are times when things need to be dealt with and proper help and intervention is needed.

But there are also times when all our kids need is a sandwich. Or a hug.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

When you're an Introverted Mama

'Mommy, how come the electrical wires are always lined up along the streets and not just randomly placed?'

'Mommy, how can you tell the difference between a satellite and a star?'

'Mommy, you know that bridge by the beach near Roses house that you can open that gate to get to and when you stand on it you can look down and see the water come under you and its near the hotel that had the Luau that we saw when Bubby and Zaidy came to visit and blah... blah... blah... blah...'

'Mommy, can we get a pet eagle?'

'Mommy, are you even listening???'

Honestly, sometimes mommy is not listening. Actually very often mommy needs to switch off for a little bit as the talking and questions can just be so much that at times, mommy wants to scream.

But she wont scream, because she loves you more then life itself. Because she understands your need to be heard and will do her absolute best to listen to you and answer your questions as often as possible.

But my darling children, there are many moments that mommy just needs silence. Mommy needs to be left alone with her thoughts and not answer any questions or make any decisions or give any opinions.

There are times during the day that mommy needs to switch off to recharge because mommy simply cannot listen right now.

Being an Introvert has its amazing strengths, but being a homeschooling mother, who is with her children all day, yet really longs for silence is one of the biggest challenges I have faced as a mother so far.

I haven't found the perfect solution yet. But I'm sure it will all work out. It always does.

Have a wonderful week,