
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Review: Tasks Galore- I'm hooked!

Okay, I am officially in love with this book, Tasks Galore by Laurie Eckenrode, Pat Fennell, and Kathy Hearsey. Although it is geared toward children with special needs, mainly autism, I have found SO many activities to do with ALL of my kids who are all not special needs kids and different ages from Preschool down.

I love the way the book is laid out, since I am a visual learner, I absolutely loved the fact that each activity is shown in the form of a very clear picture, no instructions are even needed to figure out how to do each activity. And you can tweak the different activities to suite your needs or even apply it to a Jewish subject or holiday.

Here is an example of how all the pages are set up- so simple, so clear:
The subjects are divided up as follows:
Fine Motor Skills
Language Arts

I am constantly looking for these types of things to do with my tykes, and here is a book FILLED with them! I was so excited to see this, I haven't stopped planning and making these different activities, and so far the kids have loved every one I have made. There are also so many great ideas of activities to put into workboxes if you are using the workbox system.

Lets just say, we were so busy enjoying ourselves and lost in the moment that I didn't take any photos- so next time I will make sure to do so to show you some of the awesome things we did and how we tweaked them to fit our needs.

Check out their website, they have a few different types of books- and your kids don't have to have special needs to benefit from their little tasks.

The book they sent to me costs $42.95 and is worth every penny in my humble opinion- click here for a full list of their products and prices.

Tasks Galore is a fabulous homeschool resource and I highly recommend every mommy to have this book available in their homes!

A wonderful week to all,

I was provided with the featured item(s) at no cost by the manufacturer and/or its PR agency in order to test the products and give my own personal opinions on it. The opinions I have given are mine and are not influenced in any manner by monetary means.

1 comment:

  1. Looks wonderful; thanks for the recommendation! They have a free "Task of the Month" on their site that looks cute. I just may try it with my little ones.
